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Forward-looking decisions on renewable energy development are critical
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Forward-looking decisions on renewable energy development are critical

(Summary description)Many people believe that renewable energy will eventually replace traditional energy, but traditional energy is still the mainstream. However, in recent years, due to large-scale research and development, continuous increase in investment and the introduction of new powerful policies, renewable energy technology has achieved sustained development. Investment in renewable energy generation capacity surpassed fossil fuels in 2008, and in 2010 this figure reached a record US$211 billion. In the past five years, renewable energy power generation capacity has increased by 18%, accounting for more than 19% of the world's total power generation.

Forward-looking decisions on renewable energy development are critical

(Summary description)Many people believe that renewable energy will eventually replace traditional energy, but traditional energy is still the mainstream. However, in recent years, due to large-scale research and development, continuous increase in investment and the introduction of new powerful policies, renewable energy technology has achieved sustained development. Investment in renewable energy generation capacity surpassed fossil fuels in 2008, and in 2010 this figure reached a record US$211 billion. In the past five years, renewable energy power generation capacity has increased by 18%, accounting for more than 19% of the world's total power generation.

  Many people believe that renewable energy will eventually replace traditional energy, but traditional energy is still the mainstream. However, in recent years, due to large-scale research and development, continuous increase in investment and the introduction of new powerful policies, renewable energy technology has achieved sustained development. Investment in renewable energy generation capacity surpassed fossil fuels in 2008, and in 2010 this figure reached a record US$211 billion. In the past five years, renewable energy power generation capacity has increased by 18%, accounting for more than 19% of the world's total power generation.
  The continued growing interest in renewable energy is due to the recognition that renewable energy can meet the three challenges of our time: energy scarcity, climate change and energy security. With the deployment of renewable energy, the transformation of a cleaner, environmentally sustainable, economically practical and reliable energy system is close to being achieved.
  Under certain conditions, renewable energy technology has become quite competitive compared with conventional energy. Continuous research has reduced the cost of renewable energy and increased the efficiency and reliability of these technologies. However, despite the significant increase in investment, the share of renewable energy in the world's primary energy supply is still relatively small and its use is uneven. In this case, the key driving force for the promotion of renewable energy is still forward-thinking decision-making and a strong policy basis. In view of the existing economic and non-economic barriers, market forces alone are not enough to bring renewable energy to production levels. But we have noticed prominent positive examples around the world. China's "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" attaches great importance to renewable energy, and the world sees that China is becoming the world's leading renewable energy development country.
   The Chinese government is concerned about the development of renewable energy, hoping to meet its growing energy demand, reduce environmental pollution, stimulate economic growth, and create job opportunities. In 2010, the total global investment in renewable energy was US$211 billion, of which a quarter took place in China, and China became the leader in the renewable energy market. China is a leader in wind turbines, solar thermal systems, and hydropower production, and is the home of some world-class wind turbines and solar photovoltaic companies. In the past 10 years, the annual growth rate of China's hydropower, solar thermal and wind power generation has been significantly higher than the global average. The annual growth rates of wind power and solar photovoltaic power generation exceed 50% and 30% respectively. At the same time, China has greatly improved its energy efficiency, with energy intensity (energy consumption per unit of output value) reduced by 16%.



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