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Wind power and other renewable energy generation will increase significantly in recent years
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Wind power and other renewable energy generation will increase significantly in recent years

(Summary description)The International Energy Agency’s senior renewable energy market analyst Michael Waldron said in Washington DC, the capital of the United States, on the 11th that the agency’s forthcoming "2012 Mid-term Renewable Energy Market Report" predicts that compared with 2005-2011, From 2011 to 2017, the global electricity generated by renewable energy will increase by more than 60%. In addition, 12 countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, including the United States, and China, India, and Brazil will account for about 80% of the world's total renewable energy power generation.

Wind power and other renewable energy generation will increase significantly in recent years

(Summary description)The International Energy Agency’s senior renewable energy market analyst Michael Waldron said in Washington DC, the capital of the United States, on the 11th that the agency’s forthcoming "2012 Mid-term Renewable Energy Market Report" predicts that compared with 2005-2011, From 2011 to 2017, the global electricity generated by renewable energy will increase by more than 60%. In addition, 12 countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, including the United States, and China, India, and Brazil will account for about 80% of the world's total renewable energy power generation.

  The International Energy Agency’s senior renewable energy market analyst Michael Waldron said in Washington DC, the capital of the United States, on the 11th that the agency’s forthcoming "2012 Mid-term Renewable Energy Market Report" predicts that compared with 2005-2011, From 2011 to 2017, the global electricity generated by renewable energy will increase by more than 60%. In addition, 12 countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, including the United States, and China, India, and Brazil will account for about 80% of the world's total renewable energy power generation.
    In the next few years, the general trend of renewable energy power generation is that with the maturity of renewable energy technologies, global renewable energy power generation is expected to grow substantially. At the same time, the use of renewable energy power generation will be more extensive. Development has been significantly strengthened. The renewable energy sources used for power generation mainly include hydropower, wind power, bioenergy, solar energy, geothermal and ocean energy, etc. The analysis report pointed out that although hydropower will still dominate in renewable energy power generation in the next few years, non-hydropower The generation of renewable energy will increase rapidly.
   The development of renewable energy power generation requires a large amount of capital investment. In 2011, total global investment reached 250 billion US dollars, a record high. However, the latest quarterly data shows that investment has shown signs of slowing down; at the same time, European bank project investment and power supply facilities investment are further tightening. In this case, other sources of investment will be more important, including development banks, non-traditional corporate investors, and small-scale financial investment institutions. Generally speaking, to a large extent, whether investment is guaranteed depends on the relevant policies and technological environment.
On the whole, the cost of renewable energy power generation is still higher than that of traditional energy power generation, but it is not difficult to find that hydropower and geothermal power generation are the most competitive; on land with abundant wind resources, the price of wind power is also comparable; in summer During the peak period, the cost of solar power generation is close to the peak price of traditional electricity; while the cost of solar panel power generation for households has been lower than the average retail price of electricity.



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